
Silver Coins Corrimony

Taken from the Inverness Courier of 10th February 1870.

Discovery of Silver Coins.

On Thursday last an interesting discovery was made in the Churchyard of Corrimony, Glen Urquhart. Among the earth turned up in digging a new grave was an old metal dish, which proved to be a copper pot filled with silver coins, each about the size of a sixpence. They were packed edgeways very closely and carefully, and were evidently of ancient date. From specimens brought to Inverness and examined it appears that the coins are silver pennies issued by one of the first three Edwards; experts are not quite agreed as to the proper method of distinguishing between coinage of these three Sovereigns. The specimens which we have seen were, with one exception, minted at Lincoln. Great numbers of such coins have been found at various times all over the country; no doubt they were hidden during the troublous times that began with the aggressions of Edward 1 upon Scotland, and continued during succeeding reigns. The Crown of course claims the "treasure trove"; but the finder, who is understood to be Mr Macdonell, farmer, Buntait, will receive due compensation. The vessel was turned up in a part of the churchyard which did not appear to have been previously disturbed. The number of coins found was 570.

Charles MacDonell.

The Mr Macdonell referred to was almost certainly William Macdonell (1816-1883). There were two Macdonell families in the Buntait/Inchechart area of Glenurquhart, the other being my own forebears. To date, despite extensive enquiries, no common ancestry has been identified.



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