
Autumn trip to the Uists. (Click on image to enlarge.)


28 November - "The Jacobites of North East Scotland." A zoom talk presented by Mike Shepherd on behalf of the Saltire Society. Details available here. Also, check "News headlines" for joining instructions.  

Watch this space for future events.

Recent events

Tuesday 1 October -  Outing to the Uists, 4 nights at Orasay Inn, Lochcarnan. Touring at local areas of interest. 

Saturday 13 July - Inverness Highland Games. The Society had a presence. 

Saturday 17 August - Glenfinnan Highland Games.The Society had a presence.

Friday 5 July - Conference on the 16th century in the Highlands run by Dr James Scott Petre for the Society of Highland & Islands Historical Research.

Saturday 27 April - Day outing to Kinloch Rannoch. 

Saturday 13 April - Battle of Culloden Commemoration, followed by the Clan Donald Culloden lunch.

Saturday 2 March -  Annual Academic Lecture  given by Eddie Stewart, Glasgow University archaeologist, accompanied by Lucy Ankers, on the further findings at MacIain’s summer house. 

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