Join the Society & payment methods
To print out a membership application form please click here. This will open a form in Adobe Acrobat format.
Annual memberships expire on 31 March and are renewed for 1 April. There are two categories of members: 1. Member 2. Associate Member (without descent or marriage qualification) If you are applying for full Membership, but your surname is not a Clan Donald name, please give details of your Clan Donald credentials on the back of this form.
For a full list of Clan Donald names click here.
Members receive hard copy Newsletters in the Spring and Autumn. Only when the next Newsletter has been published do previous Newsletters appear on the website, but new Members receive hard copies of the current and previous Newsletters on joining.
Please submit the appropriate sum by cheque (STERLING ONLY PLEASE) or by completing the Standing Order Form . Cheques should be made payable to: Clan Donald Society of Scotland.
Payment can now be made by PayPal using the appropriate "Add to Cart" buttons below.
Any of the above methods of payment can also be used for your annual subscription renewal.
Please return this Membership Application Form to:
The CDSS, Membership Secretary
Alaine MacDonald
6 Willow Court
Conon Bridge
Tel: 01349 867224
Enquiries to the above address or to